Polestar Pilates* Mat Workout with Willa!

Classes are FREE ! Just drop in, no registration needed. For Rutgers students only – undergrad and graduate students welcome!
Sessions will be held on the following dates: 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25
Come to one, a few, or all sessions – your choice! Beginners are welcome! Mats will be provided. Please wear comfy clothes.
*To learn more about Polestar Pilates, visit: https://polestarpilates.com/about-polestar-pilates/
Rutgers – NB students: Sign up for Scarlet Arts Rx, a free and flexible program with a ton of benefits including free arts events across campus, free show tix, and free Makerspace activities: https://go.rutgers.edu/ScarletArtsSignUp
If you are a Rutgers- NB university department, student org, faculty, staff, etc., who is interested in collaborating on a free arts and well-being event, reach out to ScaRx leader Peichi at pw337@mgsa.rutgers.edu.
Follow us on Instagram at scarletartsrx