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  • Sleep Week at Rutgers Health

Sleep Week at Rutgers Health


8 Dimensions of Wellness
Emotional, Occupational, Physical
A person wearing an eye mask sleeps in a bed.

In honor of National Sleep Awareness Week (March 9–15) and in response to the Professional Well-being Survey results, Rutgers Health is hosting a week of sleep programming to raise awareness about the benefits of sleep and the consequences of sleep deprivation to encourage healthy sleep habits and offer tips and tricks to combat sleep difficulties.

Sleep Mitigation Training

Join us Tuesday morning or Wednesday evening for a sleep mitigation training led by Rutgers Health sleep experts, Dr. Aesha Jobanputra and Dr. Suzanne Crincoli. Both sessions will consist of a 30 minute didactic followed by an interprofessional panel discussion with Kahoot trivia for prizes.

8 a.m. – 9 a.m. Tuesday, March 11

Meeting ID: 994 2690 6905
Password: 454767

Join the AM Training

8 p.m. – 9 p.m. Wednesday, March 12

Meeting ID: 949 4593 7153
Password: 183058

Join the PM Training

Sleep Assessments

Throughout sleep week, we are also offering several self-administered, confidential sleep assessments. Use the links to complete the surveys.

Tabling Events on Campus

The Promotion of Well-Being team will also be tabling all week at various locations with tips and tricks and prizes.